
Re: awakening the sleeper
Posted by: Miaow on August 20, 19101 at 05:26:11:
In Response to: Re: awakening the sleeper posted by jamie on March 21, 19101 at 20:53:26:

: : If you have gotten this far you obviously are an intelligent individual. There is a movement going on that no one is paying any mind too. the movement of our society back to time when individual happiness is very rare and illisive. Employment happiness is every rarer. let the message go out that the (sleeper) has awoken and is ready for the next mission. god bless all !

: 3/21/01
: velocitygrl says:
: spewing vehemious complaints in a tiny "comment" box is hardly is a half-assed attempt to make your life is appeasing the oppressed, un-happy worker for ohhh, about 3 seconds without resolving the lifetime of misery that's unfolding before you. I say "fuck it"...fuck the person who's holding your money waving it in front of your face like the puppy-dogs we up that piece of paper called a paycheck and free yourself...go do what makes u happy...follow your heart and your talent without fear....your heart, not their money, will take you there...go for the gold and race toward your destiny. what is everyone so fucking afraid of?? me included. peace and love and happiness to
: you all. may you unlearn the fear that society has taught will find your way when u stop complaining and start making change happen.

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